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New Poems

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

I am glad to have 3 new poems in the issue sixty-eight of Otoliths, edited by Mark Young, and also 2 prose pieces in issue twenty-three of Sonic Boom (pdf), edited by Shloka Shankar et al. Here is one section of one of the poems published in Otoliths, with a dedication to John Levy:

LISTENINGS for John Levy I. listening with an ear to the ground is a prostration of sorts more because of listening than of having one's head lowered down

John Levy himself also happens to have new poems in this issue, as well as Peter Yovu, Vassilis Zambaras, Marcia Arrieta, Dave Read, Cherie Hunter Day, Bob Lucky, and Réka Nyitrai among many wonderful others.


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