the one with a necklace of fingers
while running after what was
after what was to be
his thousandth victim
and all the while running from
the nine hundred and ninety-nine
missing-fingered ghosts
of the rest
just stops
upon hearing the one
he's chasing say
it's possible, possible to do
what no one else
would believe
was wanted most
by Joseph Salvatore Aversano
This is the recent revision of a poem first kindly published in its original form some years back in issue 32 of otata. I felt the modifications were substantial enough to regard it as a new work.
It is based on one of my favorite stories from the Pali Buddhist Cannon. For two classic versions, see: Theragatha16.8; & Angulimala Sutta, Majjhima Nikaya 86 ; and for a recounting of it by Ajahn Khemadhammo, see "The Story of Angulimala", Bangkok Post, 5 A